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Goldfield High School

by Jennifer Jones

Sitting on the corner of Euclid & Ramsey in Goldfield, Nevada sits the decaying, yet still imposing Goldfield High School.  While most visitors to Goldfield today go to see the Goldfield Hotel, the high school is impressive because it is one of the oldest surviving structures in Goldfield. Very little about this building has changed since closing its doors in 1952.

The school opened in 1907 at the height of Goldfield’s gold rush, when the town had a population of about 20,000 people.  The Nevada State Journal described it in 1906 as one of the state’s points of pride saying: “It is a three-story brick structure, modern, sanitary and admirably adapted for the educational purposes for which it was built.” It was said Goldfield High School was the largest and best equipped high school in Nevada. It cost $103,000 to build which is the equivalent of $2,649,884 in 2016. It also boasted the only standard-sized basketball court in the state outside of the University of Nevada.

Goldfield High School - The Dead History
Nevada State Journal(Reno, Nevada)7 Jul 1923, Sat

Over the years, as it became less economical to sustain the town’s mining operations, the population started to dwindle. When the largest mining company left town in 1919, it was clear that the city of Goldfield was slowly dying.  The final blow came in 1923 when a fire caused by an exploding still destroyed most of the buildings in town. The Goldfield Hotel and the high school were the only remaining large buildings.

The school has been auctioned off numerous times since closing. In 2000, Goldfield High School was purchased at auction for $8,000 and later listed on eBay with bids starting at close to $30,000. I was unable to determine if it sold or for how much.

I was fortunate to gain access to the school in the summer of 2013 and was not disappointed.  Though it has deteriorated over time, much of the building was still intact and had original desks, chairs, and chalkboards.  We had a great time exploring the building and being able to see the old writing on the walls left by children who went to school there.

Goldfield High School - The Dead History

The Goldfield Historical Society has been working to restore this building since 2008.  For more information on how you can help, click here.

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Natalie June 19, 2016 - 6:28 pm

That stairwell is amazing!!

Jenn June 19, 2016 - 7:51 pm

It was such a neat building! It has a really pretty skylight above it, but I wasn’t able to get a good shot of it.

Alisabeth Henry March 15, 2017 - 12:33 am

I heard about this on one of my favorite television shows, Ghost Adventures.

Alisabeth Henry March 15, 2017 - 12:34 am

Zak Bagans is incredible in his line of work.

Richard St.Clair October 6, 2018 - 8:36 pm

We have been fortunate enough to be able to go inside the school house and do paranormal investigation on three different occasions. It really does seem to come alive if you give it time. You can actually hear the sounds of small children talking to you without any kind of equipment. You hear them with just your ears. Many other fantastic experiences as well. If you ever have the chance to investigate the school house be sure to take that chance.

Diane Jepperson Nichols September 29, 2023 - 4:17 pm

My father graduated high school from the Goldfield School in 1931 and I went through the 4th grade in that school in 1949-1950.

Jennifer Jones February 27, 2024 - 12:08 am

Wow! That is really cool. How did you like living in Goldfield?


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