The Gurdon Light

Gurdon, Arkansas, is a small town with a big legend—one involving a derailed train, a gruesome murder, and a mysterious light along the tracks. Nestled in the piney woods of Clark County, Gurdon has long drawn ghost hunters and curious travelers alike. They all hope to catch a glimpse of the eerie glow that some say is the lantern of a vengeful spirit. Whether sparked by natural phenomena or the restless soul of a murdered railroad worker, the Gurdon Light remains one of Arkansas’s most haunting tales.

A Horrific Murder

On December 3rd, 1931, a freight train with 14 cars attached derailed just southwest of the small town of Gurdon, Arkansas. Railroad officials discovered that the rails had been tampered with. They believed the tampering was intended to cause the Sunshine Special. This was a passenger train that usually traveled at speeds of 60 to 70 mph.

The following day, December 4th, 1931, Will McClain’s wife alerted the city marshal that her husband had not returned from work the night before. Will was a section foreman for the Missouri Pacific railroad. She had asked around the small community that morning. However, no one had seen him since he was at work the evening before. She was concerned because it was not like him to not come home. The marshal began going around town talking to people and looking for any sign of Will. The marshal spotted a laborer named Louie McBride, who was known to work under Will McClain. He thought that McBride was acting suspiciously and brought him to the jail for questioning.

Gurdon Jail

The Shocking Confession

Louie (Louis) McBride was a member of the section crew and a longtime resident of Gurdon. Police brought McBride in for questioning, and he quickly admitted to murdering Will McClain. He then brought the city marshal to the site of McClain’s body.

When the marshal got close to the area McBride indicated, it became abundantly clear that something terrible had taken place. A trail of blood almost a quarter of a mile long stretched from the railroad tracks to the nearby swampy woods. Police found McClain’s body and determined that four severe blows to the head had killed him. Nearby, they also discovered a bloody spike maul and shovel. The marshal determined that McClain did not die right away. He had actually tried to crawl out of the woods. According to legend, McClain clutched his lantern tightly in his hand even in death.

An example of a spike maul

McBride admitted he killed McClain because he was angry about losing seniority during recent layoffs. Authorities initially suspected him of tampering with the tracks as well. The court convicted McBride of murder and sentenced him to death. Despite his appeals, officials executed him in the electric chair at the Little Rock penitentiary on July 8, 1932.

What followed after McClain’s brutal death was just as chilling. A ghostly light still appears along these tracks at night.

Arkansas Gazette Saturday, Jul 09, 1932
Little Rock, AR Page:9

The Gurdon Light

Almost instantly, reports of a strange yellowish-white and even sometimes bluish light seen along a 4-mile stretch of railroad track near Gurdon began pouring in. The mysterious light hovers a few feet above the railroad track, taking the shape of a medicine ball. It often disappears only to reappear behind people who are walking the tracks hoping to see the light. Dense, swampy woods and a small, old cemetery surround the area, making it even creepier.

Over the years, residents began making trips to the area with the hope of seeing the mysterious light for themselves. By the 1950s, the phenomenon had made the local newspapers. Since that time scores of people have reported seeing the mysterious light.


For years, people tried to debunk the light. Some claimed headlights from the nearby highway created the glow, while others blamed ‘swamp gas’ rising from the ground. However, researchers have largely debunked the headlight theory. First, witnesses reported sightings as early as 1931–1932, long before the highway existed nearby. Second, a large hill separates the railroad tracks from the closest highway, blocking any direct light.

Mike Clingan, who likely spent more time than anyone investigating the mysterious light, believed ‘the piezoelectric effect’ best explained the phenomenon. He explained that quartz crystals beneath the tracks generate an electric charge under constant stress, producing a glowing light. Additionally, Gurdon sits at the tip of the New Madrid seismic zone, which may contribute to the effect.

Legends and Paranormal Encounters

According to Mike, sightings of the light pre-date the murder of Will McClain. Some of the “old-timers” in the area claim the light was dated to the Native Americans and first white settlers in the area. Unlike other ghost lights, the Gurdon Light has all the makings of a great ghost story. It features a well-documented violent murder, swampy surroundings, a cemetery, and even Bigfoot sightings near the Stickey Road crossing of the tracks.

Mike shared some of his personal experiences with me. As a physicist, he’s experienced things he can’t find an explanation for. He watched a group of people through binoculars as they walked down the tracks towards him for 10-15 minutes. However, they vanished when they got to him. He’s seen a strange bluish mist hovering over the rails. He heard voices and shuffling sounds with no visible source. On one occasion, he was overwhelmed with a strong sense of dread. This happened while walking back to the group he was with. As he approached them, they all started to report the same feeling without him having said a word.

So perhaps the Gurdon Light has a strange yet scientific explanation. Or maybe, the light serves as a spooky reminder of a terrible murder that took place here over 80 years ago.

Are you brave enough to discover the truth for yourself? Plan a late-night visit to the Gurdon tracks and see if you can spot the mysterious glow. Then come back and share your experience—did you catch a glimpse of the eerie light, or did something else send shivers down your spine? Let us know in the comments below, and keep the legend alive!

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Thistle Utah Landslide Disaster - The Dead History February 18, 2025 - 1:27 pm
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