What does the beginning of WWI, anti-immigrant sentiment, and a vampire have in common? Oddly enough, a small dilapidated cemetery located in Park Hills, Missouri. Due to decades of neglect and vandalism, most of the headstones in the Gibson cemetery have been broken and tossed around. The trees and brush have taken over, and if it weren’t for a few headstones poking through the dead leaves you might not even realize that you were standing in a cemetery at all.What helps to make the story of this cemetery even more strange is that there’s an urban legend of a vampire being buried here. A vampire that would lure children to his home and then eat them. I received a research request asking me to see what I could find out about the Gibson cemetery and its legend. What I found was pretty intriguing, and harkens back to a time with some interesting history.Gibson Cemetery saw its first internment sometime after 1824 when the Gibson family made their homestead in this area. This cemetery was initially just for the Gibson family but eventually began to be used by people from the surrounding towns of Flat River, Rivermines, and Elvins. The exact number of interred is unknown, but from what records exist, most of the burials are from the early 1900’s.The small towns in this area were mining towns, and the area became known as the Lead Belt.((Missouri Department of Natural Resources)) A lot of the miners were immigrants, many of whom were from Hungary. They were often referred to as “hunkies” by the local people and were given the worst job in the mines, that of shovelers. It was difficult, back-breaking work, and they were paid about thirty cents an hour.
The Lead Belt Mining Riot

What a great post. Thank you to whomever it was who send in the request for it.I have empathy both for the possibly-albino man who was ostracized and for all of the families who lost children without knowing why they died. Life was so hard back then.
Glad you liked it!
Gibson Cemetery Today
I would love for you to go back today and see what the volunteers & Greg McWilliams have done to honor loved ones buried there! Great story & pictures ! I am a direct descendent of Greenberry & William Gibson who owned this cemetery until 1900 when William died. A lot of indigent families who could not afford to bury their children ( over 200 ) . A lot more history like 2 more owners , one who damaged the land and current owner who has allowed volunteers to bring this cemetery to a place loved ones can rest. There has been found over 1,000 graves unmarked & marked. A lot of buried there have been identified by death certificates & newspaper obituaries. Check out Greg McWilliam, Save Gibson Cemetery & Gibson Cemetery Families on Facebook. Hope you can write up & show pictures about this forgotten cemetery brought back to life thanking volunteers who care! There is a lot more work to be done here but donations, volunteers & friends are making a difference 💕
Wow!! That is amazing, thank you for sharing. I love that more people are forming groups to save / care for old cemeteries.